Kahtoola Nanospikes RSS

Kahtoola Nanospikes -

I am getting used to cold weather and snow. I trained out in the cold, the worst was Thursday, however the routine is installing itself. Today, I went running for 2 hours with my Kahtoola nanospikes Footwear Traction. I did a 30-minute warm up, 60-minute at a brisk pace and 30 minutes back to a state of calm. I spend a few more minutes warming up because in cold weather, we must let the temperature of our body increase before embarking on a more intensive training. The muscles, ligaments and tendons take a little longer to warm up. Oh yes, you...

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Kahtoola, Kahtoola Nanospikes -

As every year, winter is upon us. To the runner, the winter season manifests itself much in the same way as does torture by drops of water. During the first few outings, it's acceptable, however after 3 months of running in the cold and in the white "crap", it becomes a rather big ordeal. Nevertheless, certain inflexible individuals will choose to run in winter. I am one of them, even if, I confess, I hate winter! However, even more still, I despise the treadmill. I therefore had no choice, I learned to run in the winter and even to enjoy...

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